A downloadable game for Windows

Lab 1

Lab 2

X - Colour

S - Scale

W - Move

Mile Stone 1

Mile Stone 2


Milestone 3

goal bring blue object on table in first room to goal platform.

open door shoot console. Example next to door in first room.

second room - shoot generators on ground floor to arrange platforms.  Access platforms from closed door to make it to the top.

generators are shoot-able in all rooms some trigger platforms and others open doors.

third room make it to the ether side to get in corridor.

fourth room same as third work your way to other side.

fifth room end of level. 


Finished Game Instructions

Goal bring blue object on table in first room to goal platform.

First room - open door shoot console. Example next to door in first room.

- Shoot the window on wall above table with blue object to advance to next room.

Second room - shoot batters on ground floor to arrange platforms.  Access platforms from closed blue  door to make it to the top walk way. Shoot console to open door.

blue rectangles in batteries are triggers walk through them to move platforms into right positions. It may take a second for the trigger to kick on.

Batteries/generators are shoot-able in all rooms some trigger platforms and others open doors. Shoot batteries in hall to open door. 

Third room make it to the other side. Shoot generators to activate platforms.

Hall between 3rd and 4th room - contains laser walls watch out for red lights.   

Fourth room - same as third. Shoot generators to activate platforms. Work your way to other side.

Fifth room - end of level. 


Lab 1_AnthonyRietze.zip 15 MB
lab2_AnthonyRietze.zip 15 MB
AnthonyRietze_Milestone1.zip 18 MB
AnthonyRietzeMilestone2.zip 22 MB
AnthonyRietze_Milestone3.zip 25 MB
AnthonyRietze_FinishedGame.zip 25 MB

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